*****Winter 2016*****
As 2016
begins, we look forward to a busy and constructive year for the Cornwall Garden
Club. We concluded 2015 with
educational meetings, a chance to demonstrate our creativity, a festive holiday
event and, as ever, the good friendship of our fellow Garden Club members.
October Meeting
John’s Episcopal Church in Cornwall was the location for our October 15
meeting. The day’s events began with a
pot luck lunch. The culinary expertise
of our members was clearly evident in the wide variety of delicious lunch and
dessert choices.
lunch, Philomena Mahood, an Adam’s Fairacre Farms floral designer, delighted us
with her creations using a minimal number of flowers. Philomena showed us that one doesn’t need an
armful of blossoms to produce lovely and unique displays.
A brief
business meeting and a review of the horticulture exhibits followed the
November Meeting
meeting was a hands-on workshop. The
evening’s assignment was to design a holiday centerpiece using the greenery and
decorative elements provided. Our
instructors were Brooke Moore and Patti Martellaro, Master Gardeners from the
Cornell Cooperative Extension.
and Patti emphasized the importance of using Oasis as the base for the design
in order to keep the greens fresh and hydrated.
They pointed out that lots of variety in the greenery used adds
interest. Members’ designs were
beautiful and would definitely add holiday cheer to the home.
program was followed by some time for refreshments and to chat. At the business meeting, we welcomed new
member Dorothy Brooks and received the nominating committee’s proposed slate
of officers for the upcoming year.
“A Season to
Garden Club members met at the Powelton Club on Sunday, December 6, to
celebrate the season with gardening friends. The Powelton Club was beautifully decorated
for the holidays with poinsettias, greenery and festive lights.
to the seasonal décor were the design exhibits created by our members.
The reflective table centerpieces were titled
“Shining Light, Shining Bright.”
excellent dinner was followed by dancing.
We also held a brief business meeting.
Marie Elise Pearson thanked those who served as board members for the
past year, and we elected officers for 2016 – 2017. The duties of president will be shared by
Arlene DeSocio, Marge Krupa and Beth Nedwetzky.
The First Vice Presidents will be Lisa Morasse and Eileen Wood, and the
Second Vice Presidents will be Marge Krupa and Angela Calabro. Third Vice Presidents are Andrea Hamburger
for 2016 and Rita Chase for 2017. Dawn
Vacek will continue as our Recording Secretary as will Beth Nedwetzky as
Corresponding Secretary and Arlene DeSocio as Treasurer.
District X News
The District
X Fall Meeting and Luncheon was sponsored by the Garden Lovers’ Club and was
held at Kuhl’s Highland House in Middletown on October 14. The restaurant was filled with chrysanthemums
and charming fall décor.
After a
tasty buffet lunch, a program on using everyday objects as the basis for floral
designs was presented. Drawings were
held for gift baskets.
District’s Spring Meeting and Luncheon will be on Wednesday, April 13, at the
Fountains at Middletown. Invitations
will be sent to all. Let’s carpool!
Library Book
year the Cornwall Garden Club makes a donation to the collection at the
Cornwall Public Library. Our 2015
donation is Outstanding American
Gardens: A Celebration - 25 Years of the
Garden Conservancy. The book’s editor is Page Dickey and the
numerous photographs were taken by Marion Brenner. It features 50 gardens from across the United
States including elaborate and expansive gardens and more simple cottage and
vegetable gardens. The photographs are a
visual treat and illustrate landscape ideas that can be translated into our own
smaller home gardens.
Outstanding American Gardens celebrates the 25th
anniversary of the Garden Conservancy, headquartered in Cold Spring. The Conservancy was founded by Frank Cabot,
the creator of Stonecrop Gardens, one of our local treasures. Mr. Cabot wanted to establish an organization
that would preserve outstanding and unique gardens that reflect America’s rich
gardening heritage. To date, the Garden
Conservancy has worked on preserving about 100 private American gardens.
Many of
these gardens welcome visitors as part of the annual Open Days program. Check out their website (https://www.gardenconservancy.org/open-days/2016_od_schedule) for a schedule of when area
gardens will be hosting visitors this year.
Language of Flowers
A tale
of the significance of flowers has been written by Vanessa Diffenbach in The Language of Flowers. The book explores Victorian flower history in
a way that captures a gardener’s attention.
In each chapter, details of the flower trade, orphans, homelessness,
independence and triumphant love are described in a manner that surprises the
reader. The Language of Flowers is a must read for all flower lovers.
Editor’s Note: I
followed Tina’s suggestion and read The
Language of Flowers. A hearty green
thumb’s up for this book. It is
available at the Cornwall Public Library in print form, electronically and on
tape. Andrea Hamburger.
Annual Plant
It’s not
too early to start thinking about our Annual Plant Sale. This year’s sale will be on Saturday, May 7,
at the Cornwall Town Hall, so start spreading the word.
are expected to attend from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. All members are welcome to lend a hand to
unload the plants when they are delivered on Friday, May 6. Please plan to be there by 11:45 a.m.
that members should bring two plants for the Members’ Plants booth and two
baked goods for our ever popular tasty treat table. You might want to donate something for the
Silent Auction. Or perhaps you know
someone who might be willing to donate goods or services to the Silent
Auction. Ask around! And don’t
forget to collect a few “yard sale” items to donate for Grandma’s Attic.
year’s chairs, Arlene DeSocio and Andrea Hamburger will be looking for
volunteers to assist with security at the Town Hall grounds on Friday
evening. Another volunteer opportunity - our post
Plant Sale get-together needs a home.
How about your house?
Annual Plant Sale is our only fund raising activity each year. The helping hands of all are needed to make
it a success.
Upcoming Events
Time to
take out your new 2016 calendar and enter these Cornwall Garden Club
March 19,
Saturday: “Spring Luncheon and
Installation” at Painter’s,
Hudson, Street, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Social
hour - 11:30 a.m. with Luncheon and Installation of Officers at 12:30 p.m.
April 13,
Wednesday: District X Spring Meeting and
Luncheon at the Fountains at Middletown.
Social hour with vendors in attendance at 11:30 a.m.
April 14,
Thursday: Cornwall Garden Club monthly
meeting. 6:30 p.m. at Munger Cottage,
Cornwall Town Hall, Cornwall.
29, Friday: Annual Arbor Day Observance. 2 p.m. Cornwall Town Hall
May 6,
Friday: Set up for Annual Plant Sale.
May 7,
Saturday: Annual Plant Sale